Dr Pauline Cheong

MBBS (S’pore), FRCS (Edinburgh), FRCOphth (UK), FAMS (Ophthalmology)

Dr Pauline Cheong, a founding partner of Ophthalmic Consultants, is one of Singapore’s first ophthalmologists to sub-specialise in paediatric ophthalmology. She is a Consultant Eye Surgeon subspecialising in paediatric ophthalmology, squints and cataract at Ophthalmic Consultants at the Gleneagles Medical Centre and a Visiting Consultant to the Singapore National Eye Centre and KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A native Singaporean, Dr Cheong obtained her medical degree from University of Singapore in 1979. She was subsequently awarded a scholarship from the Singapore Government to train in ophthalmology at the Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, and later pursued subspecialty training in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus at Jules Stein Eye Institute, in Los Angeles, USA.

Well loved by her little patients, many of whom have grown up to tower over her, Dr Cheong easily earned the reputation and is known amongst her peers as “the children’s eye doctor”.

In addition to an active clinical practice, Dr Cheong has also focused on education throughout her career. As visiting consultant to KKWCH, she takes special interest in training young ophthalmologists in the art of examining and treating little children. She contributes to development of Ophthalmology in Singapore as a member of the Exco of the College of Ophthalmology Singapore.